FAQ's - And The Answers!
There is a lot of information available on the website.
If you read it carefully you will find answers to most of your questions.
How Many in a Team?
A team is generally 5, comprised of 3 crew and two specialist mountain (fell) runners. However, teams of 4 (and even 2) have raced in the past. (Challenge teams can be any size so can be larger.)
Any team member can complete a mountain run – or walk. The Tilman Cup is for all-round performance and is one of the most prestigious prizes in the race. To win this a team has to put 4 of its members on a summit.
Are There Age Restrictions?
The race is only open to those over 18 but with parental and skipper approval over 16’s may be accepted depending on their experience. There is no upper age limit.
How Do I Put A Team Together?
Most teams are put together by a group of friends or colleagues so ask your friends, club or work mates and see who is up for an adventure! You might be surprised.
Most often the difficulty is runners finding boats ... or sailors finding runners! However, it is quite easy to put the two together. The race secretary can help and we have a notice board on the website and an active Facebook page. There are also various Facebook groups and forums for runners and sailors. (A request for runners on the Fell Runners Association forum always produces a good response.)
There are lots of sailors and runners who have a long held ambition to compete in the race and will jump at the chance to join a team, and if you really want to do the race you will get a team together.
Those who want to take part in the race have a shared sense of adventure and many lifelong friendships have been formed.
(It is easier for The Challenge where crew numbers and boat size are not limited.)
How Do I Find a Boat?
Some teams need to charter a boat and we have a list of charter companies here. We also have a very good 'grapevine' of skippers and boat owners, mostly past competitors who can help you secure a boat. As always the first port of call is the Race Secretary.
How do I Enter?
Please make sure you read the race rules carefully (and the information on this website), then download the entry form and post it to us with the entry fee. (Online payment is also available). All the details you need are here.
Do We Need A Support Team?
You can do the race without one, but support crews are a vital part of the race and most teams have them to help with logistics (including delivering bikes to Whitehaven) and for encouragement. Often support crews will be involved in moving the boat before and after the race.
Obviously, if you do the race without a support crew you have to carry the bikes on your boat ... and do your own shopping!
How Long Does The Race Take?
It can be anything from 3 to 6 days ... depending on how fast you are and the wind!
The race starts around high tide on the Saturday nearest mid-summer and the course closes at 18.00 the following Friday.
It is a non-stop race – the clock does not stop. You are competing day and night on land and sea.
You need to organise boat delivery to Barmouth for the start and from Fort William after the finish.
You also need to be in Barmouth a day before the start to allow for the necessary checks and scrutineering.
What Boat Can I Use?
Both the Three Peaks Yacht Race and Challenge are classified as 'Category 3' events under the guidelines issued by the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations. As a result, you can use any sailing vessel that you like for either event, providing that it meets the criteria specified in the above regulations for Race Category 3 vessels with a Life Raft. (Full details are in the rules.)
How Do I Get A Handicap For Our Race Boat?
To take part in the race, all monohull yachts must have a valid IRC Certificate. For those who do not have an IRC certificate, it is possible to contact the RORC Rating Office (rorcrating.com) and obtain an IRC Single Event Rating Certificate that can be used for this event. (Challenge entries do not need an IRC certificate.)
Multihulls can apply for a MOCRA Rating certificate at https://sites.google.com/site/mocrarating
What If I Have To Cancel ?
If you have to cancel your team entry due to unforeseen circumstances you can defer your entry to the following year.
If you have a team mate drop out there are always others ready to step in and join you. (Contact the Secretary as a first step.)
What Is The Closing Date?
There is no closing date – the race closes when full. However if you want your team mentioned in the official Race Programme you will have to return your team profile form at least 2 months prior to start day.
Can I Enter Without A Complete Team?
Yes. It is fairly common to receive entries which are not yet complete teams (and some have yet to secure a boat!)
However if you want your team mentioned in the official Race Programme you will have to to return your team profile form at least 2 months prior to start day.
What’s Included In The Entry Fee?
The entry fee covers all the logistics of organising and operating the race, marshaling 24/7 during the week of competition, maps for the runners, live race coverage via our website, and the supply of a satellite tracking device. You also get free mooring and ferry services at Barmouth, and often some nice goodies from our wonderful sponsors.
The race in a not-for-profit event organised by a volunteer committee based in Barmouth.
You are responsible for your own insurance, mooring fees at Whitehaven and Corpach (and for the return of the tracking device).
How Can My Friends And Family Follow The Race?
There is a great atmosphere at Barmouth for the start where you can watch the boats parade out of the harbour, and supporters can see their teams at Whitehaven and Corpach. There is always a strong camaraderie among the race followers during the week of the race and it is a fantastic journey up the magnificent West Coast in its own right.
You can find out more about where to watch the race here with more information on Mountain Run map.
If you can’t come in person the race provides live race coverage on the website and social media, including photos, daily news reports and a tracking page so you can see where the boats and runners are at all times. The ‘dot-watching’ can be very compulsive.
Where Can I Get Tips And Advice On The Race?
We strongly recommend you buy (£15.00) a copy of the Skippers Guide by Keith Mander, a very experienced competitor who has put together an excellent guide build on years of experience. There is comprehensive information on the Mountain Runs on this page.
You can also ask questions of the race secretary and on our noticeboard and Facebook pages. The race has a very supportive community who are always willing to help. (Go to our Contact Page.)
Do We Need a Dinghy?
No, you don't. (This was previously a requirement, but the rules have now been changed.)
What About a Life Raft and Other Equipment? What Regs Does the Boat Need To Comply With?
Yes, you need a life raft. Entries should refer to the current World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations - this forms the basis for the equipment specification required to participate in the race/challenge. (The life raft regulations are in section 4.20 - and the life raft must meet the category 2 standard.)
There are a couple of minor modifications to the OSR regs for the 3 Peaks Yacht Race, i.e you aren't required to show sail numbers - but otherwise the OSR document is the one which will be used for scrutineering the race. You can find the latest regulations at https://www.sailing.org/specialregs